Saturday, October 28, 2006

Dream 1: Death, Skeletons, the end of the world, Mohicans and more.
I had this dream a couple of weeks ago and made some notes. Generally I hope to write the dreams up the same day so they are fresh.... This was part of a longer dream. My real life friend SC had died in the dream. I went to the funeral. There was no coffin lid as we gathered at the graveside. People we standing around and grieving. Suddenly S sat up and started groaning. We knew he was dead and it was his body moving about but he looked very funny, his arms and torso jerking about but the expression on his face stayed the same, a haunted very much dead look. People started to giggle and laugh at the spectacle. He was a big joker in real life and everyone agreed it was typical of him to have the last laugh. His body settled back down and he was lowered into the grave.
There was then a close up of his face (as in a film) and he started to rapidly decompose. We saw his flesh melting away to reveal the skeleton, it still looked like S. Then we watched his whole body disintegrate. The skin vanishing to reveal all the muscles in perfect definition, these melted away as well until there was just the skeleton left. It was very graphic and realistic, full colour and minute details, fascinating and horrific at the same time.
Later on in another bit of the dream I was in a large house it was a guesthouse or small hotel and I was with a group of people. There had been a huge catastrophy and the earth was in turmoil as if it was the end of the world. This was one of the few buildings left standing and there were differenct factions, small groups of people who were trying to survive on whatever bit of ground they could keep and protect. Lots of fighting going on with each faction very strict about who was or was not a member. I went out to help protect the house against another faction but found myself becoming part of a different group. Then they too were being chased and I was separated. I ran past buildings which had become piles of rubble and desecrated landscapes. I ran up to a bridge and into a river. I knew the group giving chase would not follow me because they were afraid of the water. For some reason I was able to move from group to group without restrictions. After a while I came across some ‘Mohecans’. They were a small group walking in the river pushing some canoes with a child and their few posessions in them. The chiefs accepted me into the group and gave me a pear to eat. This was a great honour as there was little food around and fruit was even more precious. I accepted the gift and ate some of the pear. It was delicious and juicy. I gave the rest of the pear to the child in the canoe. It had never had a pear before and was very excited, happy and laughing. The adults approved of my gesture and we travelled together for some time.
Later on I was in another house. I was being chased by a hard core violent group. By this time I was very skilled at flight and I came to some stairs. Instead of running up the stairs I was able to jump onto the bannisters and go up through the centre of the stairs jumping and pulling myself up from bannister to bannister. It was very easy, I was fit and effortlessly able to make big leaps and jumps. The people following would not catch me. I reached the top of the stairs and jumped over a railing and up onto a ladder leading to the roof where I could make good my escape to another area. Then I woke up.


At 2:26 PM, Blogger Karen Bayly said...

Cool - I've had elements of this dream in similar dreams, like the being able to run and jump effortlessly, but not in a combination like this. And how like SC! You've inspired me, V, to start another blog. I've been thinking of putting my meditation 'happenings' on a blog, so I might just chuck my dreams in as well. You're right - they disappear if you don't write them down - although I admit there are some from years ago that I STILL remember. Excellent idea. Watch out for The Castle of Arianrhod Darkwing at a blog near you.

At 2:55 PM, Blogger Brian Damage said...

I married my dream

At 5:01 AM, Blogger Dreeeeamer said...

Thanks everso for your comments. I can remember some dreams from years ago too! Also I was part of a dream group for a whils so have a book with quite a number of entries. I've decided not to revisit old dreams in the blog but to chart them from here on.... stay tuned! If you do start a new blog I'll but a link to that as well :)
And thanks to my special Monty!

At 3:58 PM, Blogger Karen Bayly said...

I have started my meditation/dream blog its at:

Bit of a mouthful, I know. I've put a link on my blogs to your blog so now we are blog-linked. Don't you just love new words?

I am putting some old stuff on to start off with, as I'm still training myself to remember my dreams. Some just stick no matter what - others don't.


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