Monday, November 06, 2006

Dream 6: Golf resort, it's all who you know
I was sent to a golf resort as part of a job/my work (not clear what sort work I was doing). We were each given a room to share, I was with an obese woman in her thirties with dark hair. We were also assigned to a golf pro. I was following mine around the course, she was rather haughty as if such an assignment were beneath her. At one of the greens there was a small group of men watching another of the pros. One of them was SL a well known comedian whom I happen to know. My pro went all gooey say 'That's SL, that's SL'. I told her I knew him, at first she didn't believe me but then she realised I was telling the truth and her attitude towards me improved greatly. I was not impressed.
Later back at the hotel part of the resort I had some difficulties getting back to my room. Then I found that my room-mate was not only pregnant but about to give birth. I helped her through it and then went to the local hospital. When I asked for someone to attend her they said she wasn't on record as being pregnant therefore she can't have given birth. I argued with them thinking there was some mistake because she was overweight, although I couldn't image she did not know she was pregnant herself.
Next thing I'm in a room with some men explaining to me that it had all been faked. It was like a virtual reality set up and they showed me clues. One was when were at a dining table and one of the men now explaining had walked around the table, but he'd suddenly jumped from one spot to another, like a jump cut in a film, or a glitch in the program. I remembered the incident as they showed it to me. Also there were little blobs a few inches high under the table which were controllers of the program and they ran around very agitated when the glitch happened. They showed me a few other instances which I had thought odd at the time.
That's all I can remember now although there were other bits to the dream.


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