Monday, November 20, 2006

Dream 9: Looking After Billy Connolly
Been having muddled incoherent run of dreams recently. One the other night involved me being a horse, but also being me as a human looking after me as a horse. I was a mixture of bay and chestnut, sort of a mousy colour not normally seen on horses and a bit lighter than the hair on my head. There were various problems finding me a stable, food and so forth.
Last night/this morning had a dream that I was with Billy Connolly, but he was blind. I was trying to look after him, but he insisted on gambling with a group of blokes who were ripping him off. I kept trying to warn him, but I didn't want the guys to know that I knew as we could be in big trouble. Billy kept handing me money and telling me to bet on ridiculous things which the men were making up or were changing the outcome to suit them.
Later I was in a show, we were just finishing and P went up to the compere who was foreign (not sure where from), he didn't speak very good English, other than the script of the show. P was trying to get him to do a special announcement because it was the anniversary of his Mum's death and he want a special memorial message to go out. Then he handed me a bottle of champagne. I didn't think it was appropriate to let off the bottle and besides the compere hadn't finished. But the bottle was all fizzed up and it was about to blow. I turned around and everyone ducked, saying "don't point it at the lights!" I was saying, "I know, I know I'm trying to get it somewhere safe." There was an odd slow motion bit where the cork was coming out and I was moving with the bottle at the same speed as the cork so it would stay in the bottle. I managed it for a bit and then I was chasing the stream of champagne from the cork and trying to get that back in the bottle as well. Anyway I had been able to stop the 'pop' with this technique, so no one in the audience knew what was happening.


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