Thursday, May 17, 2007

Dream 45: Losing My Head?
Earlier on in the dream I was travelling through a city on some sort of transport which was also like a fair ground ride, so there was a lot of ups, downs and twisting around with glimpses of the city above, below and around. Not a bad idea really, make commuting a bit more exciting!
Later on I was in a large house with some family and friends. It was all a bit chaotic. I was in a room watching something. Could have been a large TV or maybe a live performance, not sure. I was standing near the back of the room watching, but I was also standing behind myself. I was a bit taller than me and I noticed a small balding patch at the back of my head - like some men start to get. My hair was covering it but it was definitely thinning. I went to a room with a mirror. I was back inside myself now. I moved my hair aside and found a large bald area which was white and rough. When I touched it , it was dusty. I put my hand on the patch and all this dust came away, like fine plaster dust. I was horrified and scared. I went to find P. I grabbed him and said I need to show you something. He could see I was upset. We went into one room but there were people there. We kept trying to find a room where we could be alone. Eventually we ended up in the corner of a hallway. I was just about to show him my head when my brother came up, all smiles and asked what we were up to. I said I needed to talk to my spouse privately! I was very short with him and he left rather offended.
Then I showed P my head, loads of dust came away and there was a sharp edge on the side of my head which you could feel now some of the dust had fallen off. I made P feel it. He felt around the dusty/powder stuff and the ridge. I asked him if he could feel it and he said yes it was keratonin, but very thin. I was worried because I didn't have a doctor I could go and see. P tried to comfort me and say it was going to be all right, but I could see he was as worried as I was and whatever had happened to my head was serious.


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