Saturday, December 02, 2006

Dream 13: Winning an Award
I was at an award ceremony like the Brits but it was something else, quite prestigious. I'd been nominated last year but hadn't won. I'd been nominated again this year along with others of course, for Best Actress. There was another woman in the running whom it was assumed would win. In fact she was acting like she'd already won and was swanning around being a luvvie and visiting the tables of other famous actors. I was at the back of the room watching her and others. I thought she would probably win but was secretly wishing she wouldn't because of her behaviour.
Then came time for the presentation and I won! It was great, the other actress was astounded and really put out, but the applause for me was long and warm. Everyone saying I deserved it seemed genuine. I was given an odd necklace-type affair. It was two long straight strips of some semi-precious metal which went across my chest with a clasp holding the strips together with an emblem of the award on it. When you released the clasp the metal unfolded to form a large square which went across my chest, down each side of my torso and then across my stomach. The square was made up of strips of the metal but also had links in between. I had to wear this everywhere I went as holder of the award. It was rather cumbersome and kept getting in the way.
There were some other bits to the dream but they're lost to me now.


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