Sunday, December 17, 2006

Dream 18: A Tiger and An Iron
I woke around 5.45 this morning and had a think over the dream - bit weird even by my standards. I went back to sleep and did some more dreaming but it's the first one which has stayed with me.
I was in a house somewhere warm and sunny. There was a plague of tigers in the area and we had to take measures to keep them away. At some point I went out of the house, I told them to keep it locked but when I got back there was a tiger inside. The tiger was a pretty poor specimen. It was quite small and scrawny, more the size of a malnourished cheetah. It did have tiger-like stripes on its coat but it was generally darker and more dull than the usually magnificent creatures. I think it had to do with there being so many of them, they were poorly made so to speak.
I tried to lure the tiger out of the house as I was standing by the back door. I was holding an over sized clothes iron, about three times bigger than normal, very new and modern looking. The tiger came cautiously to the back door and peered around it. I had the iron out in front of me pointing it at the head of the tiger. He moved out of the house, I slammed the door shut and proceeded to attack the animal with the iron. I didn't see the actually killing of the poor thing in the dream but later all that was left was a long tangled stringy bit of skin, flesh and tiger fur. I threw it out into the back recesses of the garden and a domesticated pet (a non specific dog or cat like animal) chased after it.


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