Monday, July 09, 2007

Dream 51: Bits and Pieces
I've been travelling and working a lot so haven't had much time to keep my dreams up to date. Here are some snippets from the last week or so.
I was in a city shopping area with several different shopping centres. I was on a break from work but I don't know what sort of work, but it felt like I had limited time. I was trying to buy some lunch but all the food places didn't have the type of food I eat or wanted to eat. Later this woman started following me. She was a personal style advisor like Trinny and Susanna. She was becoming rather irritating asking me a load of questions. I was trying to be polite but not give anything away and I was sending plenty of signals to say I was in a hurry and really NOT interested. She kept with though. In the end I just told her I wasn't interested, I had my clothes for my job (like a costume) and then at home I wore comfortable stuff like loose trousers and baggy t-shirts. She hung around for a while then I lost her.
Next I was at a concert. Phil Collins was the musical director/conductor for two black vocal acappella artists. I was right at the front of the stage, with a great view. Phil had sprouted loads of light brown/blondish shoulder length hair and looked rather dashing. The two men had fantastic voices and we singing amazing songs. I suddenly got an extreme close up view of Phil Collins conducting them. Really he had his back to the audience, and although I was still in the audience I got a special close up view like you would on TV, except this was still live. As he conducted he was mouthing the words as MD's tend to do. I was fascinated. I also had a big crush on him (in the dream, this is not replicated in real life, although I don't mind him). I'd get a close up of the singers then flash back to Phil while I watched. On one of the close ups of Phil he started to mouth the wrong words. He was doing it on purpose as an in joke. The singers carried on singing the right words as Phil tried to put them off. He winked at me as he did it. I felt incredibly special to be in on the joke. I didn't even realise that he'd noticed me. Later we were walking together in the city. He was treating me like an old friend or an equal because he knew I was also a performer. We chatted about various things and he asked me where the best places were to go. I was so chuffed to be this close to my dream idol.
Had another dream where I was learning to drive a bus and one where I was running a new theatre venue and had to explain all the safety regulations but I kept getting interrupted..... mmmm wonder what influenced that one!!


At 3:37 PM, Blogger Karen Bayly said...

Shopping dreams - I wonder though, if for we two, they should be classified as nightmares? Especially when they have style advisors in them ... and hairdressers.

At 6:37 AM, Blogger Dreeeeamer said...

Well quite!


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