Dream 53: Grapes, currency, washing lines and audiences
Several snippets from the other night... I was working with some people packing grapes, red seedless ones in small plastic carry bags as used in supermarkets. However grapes were a type of currency and were extremely precious so it was like working at the mint. Each grape had to be accounted for and had to be packed to go out, no sneaking any for yourselves. A man had worked out how to cheat the system, I was in on the scheme. We went to a bank teller and when a bag of grapes was passed through the little trough under the window he'd throw in a ping pong ball thing with a string attached and pull it back through at the same time as the grapes. There was something in the ball which made the grape transaction not register, so as far as the system was concerned you had not received any grapes and none had gone out. The timing was crucial. He had a few misses before it worked but then it started working a treat. We didn't do it too often but the potential to become very rich was there.
Then I was in a house, the phone was ringing and I found it eventually in a drawer and I could hear my mother talking through it while it was still ringing. Next I went to hang some washing on the line as I walked out there were a few other people trying to hang their washing and suddenly my mother appeared wearing a bright yellow towelling beach dress. She hovered above us and walked across the washing lines humming and singing to herself, quite happy and unaware that she was hampering our hanging out of the clothes.
Next I was in a show. We'd done a few nights and I was vaguely aware of some success but had been concentrating so much on my performances I hadn't taken that much notice of the audience. Backstage, a fellow cast member told me there were 46 in that night, but he said that was pretty low and that on previous nights there been many more. I thought 46 was a reasonable crowd since it was a small room and was surprised and pleased that the numbers had been and probably would be even better.
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