Monday, January 15, 2007

Dream 26: Huge Waves and a Cruise Ship
I've been travelling for a few days, not much sleep and no dreams to speak off. Last night I returned to dream world though.
I was walking along a cliff looking down on to a beach. I was with someone, possibly a sister (not a real life one). The waves were quite big but they were building up close to the shore and dumping straight down, crashing on the shore but not travelling up the beach very far. We were commenting that they weren't very good for surfing. There were some people in the water but the waves were becoming more fierce. We reached the beach and started to walk across the bay. The waves were getting larger and larger. We had to walk further up the beach closer to the bottom of the cliff surrounding the bay. A wave crashed very close to us and we had to scramble up the rocks. There were other people trying to escape from the increasing severity of the sea.
We were almost at the top of the cliff by this time and someone shouted that a huge wave was coming. I looked to find strong hand holds on the cliff thinking I was glad I'd had a bit of climbing experience. I was shouting to people around me to get a good hold and grab on tightly. We could see the wave coming. Then it was on us swamping and pulling at us with enormous force. I was yelling at those around to hang on, but also being buried under the water. The wave pulled back a bit and I was aware of an ocean liner, a popular cruise ship being pushed slowly towards us. It was in the next bay but by now were were at the edge of the cliff which adjoined the bay. Another wave was coming in and the liner was going to be carried into the cliff and into us. The wave hit and I was deluged with water, catching glimpses of the ship crashing into the cliff and bodies being dragged off by the water.
Next I was looking down at a small man who had survived the ship wreck. The man was actually me and I was from Singapore. I was watching the man but also being him as the press surrounded him/me to ask me how I had survived. I didn't know if there were other survivors. I remembered what had happened but was very disorientated and I didn't want to speak to the press.


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