Thursday, February 08, 2007

Dream 28: Sushi in the Pool
We were settling into a new house so things were a bit chaotic. We had moved near my family so various family members were milling about (some were more or less like my real family some weren’t). My dream mother announced that they were planning a wedding for us, even though we were already married. To me this just seemed an unnecessary addition to the confusion of setting up a new home.
I went to collect a car. I was my (real) old car which I had sold. I parked the car outside and visited a pool seemingly attached to the new abode, but also part of a resort or hotel. It was pretty busy. I got back to my bedroom and there were two wedding planners there. They had strewn stuff all over the floor in amongst the boxes and general unpacking. I was commenting that our wedding should be easy since we were already married and I didn’t want the usual dresses and so on. The assistant said she had just the thing for me and pointed to a pile of clothes on the floor. They looked like fairly ordinary clothes in blues and greens. She also had a single yellow flower wrapped in a large amount of tissue paper. I couldn’t see enough of the flower to identify it and then she hid it from me, presumably saving it for the ceremony. I started to go out of the room thinking that I wouldn’t worry about the wedding, I’d just turn up and see what happened. Except that I wanted to check with the woman in charge that God was not to be involved or mentioned in any way.
I went back to the pool for a quick dip. It was early evening and getting dark so I was hoping it would be quiet. But it was even busier. There were lots of young people there. One girl was done up in professional looking togs, cap, goggles but she looked nervous. She did a kind of flat back dive and flipped around so her head almost hit the side. I thought she needs someone to show her how to do it properly or she’ll really hurt herself. I walked round the other end to find a spot to get in and swim. Another sporty young woman was sitting on the edge on a towel near the steps, there were a few others with her. As she was sitting there she was doing back somersaults and landing back down seated. Every time she did it there was a slapping sound. It was irritating and she looked like she would do damage to herself, but she thought it was funny.
I hadn’t brought my goggles as I was just going for a dip. I got in but was forced to swim underwater to avoid all the others. There seemed to be legs everywhere. Then I ended up doing a weird style of doggy paddle so I could see and swim and avoid everyone else. It was most unsatisfactory.
When I got down towards the far end, I realised why the pool was so busy, it was Sushi Night. They had these large pale wooden structures which were temporary benches and tables with rows and rows of sushi bowls. The bowls were blue and white, a cross between Chinese and Japanese styles. Each structure had five or six rows of benches on top of each other so they went quite high and there were quite a lot of the structures around the end of the pool. The effect was hundreds of sushi bowls in rows both along and up like some giant sculpture or installation. Only a few people were actually eating, although most in the pool would probably eat later. I swam around the back of one of the structures in a queue of people. We went past a serve yourself coffee area with biscuits and cakes, all still in the pool. Although I was just trying to swim I glanced at an unfortunate cookie thing which had seen better days and somehow ended up with it in front of me on a plate.
Later I was back in the car with P. I started to reverse, but it was slightly out of control and I looked forward to see my old car setting off and turning right at the end of the road. That was supposed to be the car I was driving. The one I was actually driving was similar but not the same. As I was still reversing I was saying to P that the keys must be so alike they worked enough to open the door and start the car, but they were making it drive oddly. I wanted to stop and go forward to catch the other car and swap over. I was slowing down trying to stop us continuing back when a man’s face loomed large in the opposite back window and said you’d better stop there. There was a car behind. I was in the process of stopping when a real life noise outside, which sounded remarkably like a small crash, woke me!


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