Dream 39: Misbehaving Horses and Singers
P and I were meant to be doing a show as B & K for a group. We'd done the place before a few times and they kept joining in. It was more like a social party than a gig. Different tables were talking or trying to do bits of the act. I wanted to do some new material but it was impossible. We decided to have a break. I went to some glass doors which looked out into a stable yard that was part of the centre where we were playing. There were three nicely turned out palominos, although the colouring wasn't quite correct for a true palomino. Three young girls owned them, mostly for their looks. It was obvious they didn't know how to look after them properly but were there to pose on beautiful ponies and be part of the beautiful people set. One girl was already mounted, another was holding a pony while the other girl tried to get on. The pony backed away and the girl holding his head let it so the girl could not mount and in the end they got dragged about and ended up on the ground. The third palomino was loose by this time and trotted off into the distance dangling its bridle. I was very annoyed, firstly the girls should have been supervised and secondly if they didn't know how to look after their ponies properly they shouldn't be allowed to have them. Especially as they just seemed to be accessories for a certain look. Too much money and no sense or responsibility.
I was just thinking how badly run the stable was when another large bay horse came over towards the door with no bridle, just a saddle badly put on. I stepped out to see if I could stop him but as I did so an agent friend of ours, D, said 'No, no, no,' very disapprovingly behind me. I was dressed as K and as I opened the glass doors the horse shied away. A woman holding the rope of a halter on a smaller darker bay horse came over to the door. I offered to take the horse and let her go and sort out some of the mess happening in the rest of the yard. She handed him over with thanks. I took off my K shoes as they were high heeled and glittery, not really appropriate for a stable yard. I took the horse back towards a pen where several of them were kept. The lady from the stables came with me instead of going off to sort out the others. I explained to her that I used to work in a stables and I knew what I was doing. We got to the pen and I let the horse in. It was a sort of balcony with a fence at the edge. There were several people sitting around and the horse stepped through and around them and down a couple of steps to the straw covered balcony area where some other horses were standing around.
Next I was back inside, we were about to go on and a group of women (who may have been part of the stable) requested that we do our song called Bunch of C*nts. We didn't really want to do it as it seemed the wrong song for the occasion, but they started singing it. When they got to the chorus they had changed all the words to suit them and their work situation, inserting names and scenarios replacing our lines. This meant the song no longer had the line Bunch of C*nts in it and ceased to be either our song or offensive.
Then we were going to do some recording there was a woman with a guitar and I think she was recording one of our songs. She sang one line for a sound check. I got the level ok on one mic but needed to set the second. She wouldn't sing the line again. She'd sing one note, half a word, then stop, or she'd do a little squeak or croak. I told her to sing the line like she did so I could get the level. But she kept on squeaking and not singing. I said you have to sing it as you are going to in the recording otherwise the level will be wrong and the recording will be crap and a waste of time. She wouldn't do it. I snapped at her and said just sing the bloody line! P was standing by and could see I was getting angry and that the woman was clamming up. I tried to be nice and patient and asked her if she was feeling sick or something. I told her she had already sung the line once and she was going to have to sing it for the recording. But she said she'd have music then and there were all these people. I told her I wasn't worried about how she sounded in the rehearsal, I just needed to check the volume and I was going to be looking at the needle on the meter so it didn't matter how well or badly she sang the line. I made all the people who had gathered around go away.
Next I had to go and check another amp we were recording on. It was completely different and it took me several false starts to find the meter. There were about three other things which looked like meters until you got close and they turned into something else. When I sorted that unit out, I went to a third recording station further away, more in the open. There were several young men we knew and they looked like they were all set. I asked them if they knew what they were recording and one man said that GM had a list and he would be there soon. A ute turned up with supplies and an enormous picnic. This group were going to make a day of it and have a party while recording. I was frustrated because I didn't want to be organising everyone I wanted P and I to have a recording session for ourselves. There was a huge box of bread in the shape of footballs being unloaded and I was slightly jealous that they were going to have a good day.