Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Dream 61: Becoming a Witch
I am in my old home, where I grew up (pretty close to real life). I'm a teenager. At the turning of the stairs (larger than in real life) on the landing, someone has laid out a small round table with several candles and other lights. When you look from above you can see circle and triangle patterns formed by the lights. The lights are just there, glowing, they aren't part of anything like a lamp or candle they are just little round glowing spots of light. It's night time and the space has a magical, mystical feel to it. I am on the stairs looking at the spectacle in wonder. My Mum (nothing like the real life one) tries to dismiss it as being some everyday sort of nonsense and carries on with the laundry (although I get the feeling she is keeping a close eye on me and the display). Then my Gran shows up (also not like the real one). She has brought along two broomsticks. The brush part is pretty sparse and with only a few twigs, although these are quite thick and bound by some natural material like bark. She jumps on one and flies about the upstairs landing and over the banisters. She laughs a bit and tells me to try the other one. I pick up the broomstick and immediately know what to do. Soon I'm flying around upstairs too. 'Thought so' said my Gran to my Mother who has been secretly watching. 'You're Mum's one too but she pretends she isn't' says Gran, 'but we're all witches my dear.' I'm thrilled about this and I go back to study the lights which seem to make more sense. Unfortunately I wake around this point. Later I had another travel dream where P and I were getting in a terrible mix up with a lot of trains, but I can't recall most of it now.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Dream 60: Flying in the Past
I was in a WW2 aircraft. We were flying on a mission when something peculiar happened and everything folded and collapsed in on itself so all that was left was a bit of oddly patterned material. There was an Italian feel to it but I can't say what or why exactly. My sleep was interrupted a few times last night so it may have been to do with that.
Then I'm back in another plane, still in the 1940's. The war is still going on, but it seems to be near the end and we are flying over crowds of people who are out on the street. They are not celebrating yet, but it feels imminent. We are doing some sort of display flying. We do some elaborate manoeuvres and then leap from the plane. We don't have parachutes but make patterns and strange movements which slow our progress. Then the plane flies in front of us and hovers just above the ground. It drops a wide rope ladder/net and we land on it and climb down to the ground. The crowd have been watching in awe, but then just go about their business. Then I'm back on the plane. The ladder/net is hanging down and I go onto it. We are preparing more manoeuvres, but there is an enemy now on board. The controls of the plane are just above me at the top of the rope ladder, but the enemy is standing on the platform to the left of the controls. As I'm hanging onto the ladder and trying to control the plane I can't look up properly to see him/her. I can just see the body but not right up to see the head. They are wearing purple clothes, in fact he/she is dressed in my purple fleece jacket (from real life). I am confused since the dress is modern but we're meant to be in the 1940's. Also I can't tell if they are male or female and if it is actually the future me. There is a certain menace to the figure but they are not actually doing anything. The plane is careering all over the place and I have to try and get past the figure to sort it out. Then I wake....

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Dream 59: Football, Running and Playing for your Supper
I was playing football as part of a team. It was an unusual field in that it seemed to be high up on top of some castle ramparts and it wasn't a full football pitch. The crowd, coach, manager and so forth were down below. They could only see odd bits of the game as the field tilted or dropped down every now and then. The ball kept going over the edge and would get thrown back up, usually with a barrage of instructions from the manager. It was quite stressful, I think it was an important game but the field made it difficult for us to maintain any sort of rhythm.
Next I was running through the countryside. P was a little way behind me and we had undertaken a running tour of some country we were visiting (highly unlikely!). I was wending my way along a path and enjoying the sun, breeze, fields, trees and so on. The path went along side a small river and followed it for a while. The running was easy. I knew P did not want to go at my pace, but he wasn't far behind and I was keeping an eye on him. I met a man in a battered blue van, he had a group of kids with him. He was trying to tell me something in broken English, but I didn't understand what.
The banks of the river opened out and more paths appeared. There were a few people on the paths and as I ran on, more and more. I was commenting on how many people there were when I suddenly came across a great long queue. There were some tents and huts in the distance and the queue was to get into them. The people were very patient and had quite a lot of camping and climbing gear with them. They let me through since I was on the running trip. I stopped to chat to one person (who looked a bit like J). She told me they were on a special hiking and climbing trip which was popular and prestigious. I told her that I had done quite a bit of climbing and she invited me to join the queue. I tried to explain that didn't have any of my equipment with me, and that it would be impossible to join them without even the basics like my harness and climbing shoes. By this time we were at the head of the queue. I knew P wouldn't be interested in climbing but I was torn between carrying on our trip and joining the new one. By this time P had arrived too. We chatted to one of the women in charge. She was talking about us doing a gig for them, in exchange I could do a hike or a climb. P and I said maybe we could do one comedy show on the first night and then do some singing the next night. They would also give us a bed and food etc. I hesitated as we normally charge a fee as well, but then we thought it might be ok this time. We had P's guitar but I wasn't sure where our other equipment, costumes etc were going to come from, but no one seemed worried about that as things just seemed to turn up when required. It was very crowded with people still trying to get into the event, but it was very calm and good natured and I thought we'd probably enjoy the gigs and staying in the camp/huts.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Dream 58: Recruited Spies
P and I were picked to become spies. We had a several secret messages telling us what to do. We had to pack as if going on holiday. We were supposed to meet up with our agent but we had a gig booked. We decided that we had to do the gig since they only let us know an hour or so before and it was impossible to find a replacement. After all it would blow our cover before we'd even started. I was worried that they would think we weren't going to join them and that we could be in trouble, or maybe even thought of as traitors. We had our suitcases as well as our equipment for the gig. We were on the gig and I was looking for signs. P said it was their own fault for not telling us soon enough and they should have known. I had visions of some angry official secret service bod coming up and telling us the security of the country is far more important than a pub gig!
We were then told to go to a house. We were moving in with a woman who would be our guide/agent. She had a little dog which kept getting in the way. We spent some time unpacking, including our equipment. Then we had to pack again and go to the airport. I was standing in a check-in queue and thinking I've only packed warm clothes and I don't know if we're going somewhere hot. I made a mental note to pack shorts as well next time to be prepared for every eventuality. It was all rather confusing and we never managed to get to the point of our assignment, or even find out what our assignment was. We didn't end up on a plane, but had to go back home. This time it was another place and our things had been moved but were spread all over in chaos and mixed with other people's stuff. There were some plants, I had to figure out which were ours and water them. I was expecting to find a message. I watered some other plants as well as they were dying. At one point I was in a crowded area, waiting for something. I got chatting to a woman who seemed to know who I was. There were two other women behind me who had eastern European accents. They wanted to be introduced as well but I decided that wasn't a good idea and sneaked away, although I was near the head of the queue for whatever it was I was supposed to collect. I went back home and our agent had arrived with a car load of stuff and the mad little dog. We spent more time unpacking and sorting and I wondered if we'd actually been recruited as dogsbodies rather than for espionage purposes - I wanted to get on with our mission!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Dream 57: Travelogue
I have travel dreams on a regular basis. I don't tend to write them up as they become so confused and often repetitive that it seems pointless. However this time I thought I'd include it as an example so to speak.
I'm working in an office and am told that my boss (there's is a feeling that it's a real person EC-T from the 90's, but I don't actually see her) is sending me on a trip. I'm quite excited. We have been moving offices and I'm not exactly sure where my room is and what my extension is. But I need to go home and pack and prepare for the trip. There is a constant feeling that I need to go to my office to sort things out there before I go and I need to leave a message on my 'phone to field the calls. It seems to be late at the office, I've been working late, but I'm also leaving early to go and pack. I think I can ring in from home later and leave a message on my work phone remotely, but then I still don't know my extension number.
Next I'm at the airport, I don't have my ticket. I get a flashback to the office where someone showed me the envelope in which are the tickets and itinerary, including my work duties. I think that if I go to the desk and explain they can re-issue the ticket, but I need extra time to do this. I have three carry-on bags, one has my new ukulele in it (this is from real life!) as I want to practise in the evenings. I realise I need to check in one of my pieces of luggage but I'm already passed the passport check. I still haven't sorted out the message at the office either, so there are all these things left undone. I start to think about the trip. I was excited about going but I'm not sure whether I'm going to Japan, Singapore or Korea. I realise I'm returning to the same hotel from the last trip. It wasn't very good, we'd had trouble with the food, service, rooms and language. I thought oh well maybe it will be better since I know some of the problems and it will only be for a few days. I actually don't know when I'm coming back, there's a suggestion that it is nearly a week, which means a weekend. I'm both pleased since I get extra time to explore and worried as it was pretty bleak last time, plus I might have work to do at the weekend as well. There is a general feeling of being confused and disorganised (which is mostly the opposite of how I travel in real life!). I'm in a waiting area and there's a group of tall young men around 18 to early twenties. They are mucking about around me. I'm about mid twenties now in the dream. They start throwing this thing around, it's hard white plasticky rubbery stuff and is multi sided like a three dimensional pentagon. They are almost teasing me by throwing this thing above and around me. I decide I can either be a sport and join in or pretend to ignore what's going on. I join in and at one point catch the thing. They are mostly accepting of me. Then we start to head for the gate. I am still worried that I haven't left a message at my office and also that I have too many bags to board the plane, I'm not even sure where I'm going. I follow one of the young men. They are still throwing this thing about. It keeps going over my head, but then it bounces in front of me. I grab it then I throw it back over my head knowing one of them will catch it. The young man in front of me arrives at an intersection. There are escalators going off to the right, centre and left. Above each one are signs with Chinese-style symbols and some numbers. I don't know the flight number, but the young man does and he leads the way towards the central stairs, saying the flight number. I realise I only have one of my bags with me now. I look back hoping that the men from the group are bringing them, but I can't see them in the crowd. I feel totally confused and unready to travel, I don't know where I'm going, I'm not prepared for whatever work I'm supposed to do and now I don't have all my bags. I'm trying to keep up appearances with the group as they will not help me if they think I'm lost and hopeless. We head off through the airport to what I anticipate as a disastrous trip.