Dream 61: Becoming a Witch
I am in my old home, where I grew up (pretty close to real life). I'm a teenager. At the turning of the stairs (larger than in real life) on the landing, someone has laid out a small round table with several candles and other lights. When you look from above you can see circle and triangle patterns formed by the lights. The lights are just there, glowing, they aren't part of anything like a lamp or candle they are just little round glowing spots of light. It's night time and the space has a magical, mystical feel to it. I am on the stairs looking at the spectacle in wonder. My Mum (nothing like the real life one) tries to dismiss it as being some everyday sort of nonsense and carries on with the laundry (although I get the feeling she is keeping a close eye on me and the display). Then my Gran shows up (also not like the real one). She has brought along two broomsticks. The brush part is pretty sparse and with only a few twigs, although these are quite thick and bound by some natural material like bark. She jumps on one and flies about the upstairs landing and over the banisters. She laughs a bit and tells me to try the other one. I pick up the broomstick and immediately know what to do. Soon I'm flying around upstairs too. 'Thought so' said my Gran to my Mother who has been secretly watching. 'You're Mum's one too but she pretends she isn't' says Gran, 'but we're all witches my dear.' I'm thrilled about this and I go back to study the lights which seem to make more sense. Unfortunately I wake around this point. Later I had another travel dream where P and I were getting in a terrible mix up with a lot of trains, but I can't recall most of it now.