Dream 36 and 37: Hotel Acrobatics and a Slithery Problem Been on the road again and during a disturbed night's sleep last Friday morning I had the following two dreams.I was in a hotel room when some people came in to perform for us. P and I were in the bed and the performers were prating about on the carpet. They were hopeless. At one point they had these short thin slats of wood and were prancing about with them, crouching over and placing them on the ground like poor walking sticks, or trying to make out they were twirling them like batons but they weren't, they were just waving them about. Completely amateurish and almost laughable if it hadn't been so pathetic. I just wanted to go to sleep. They made as if to pack up and I crossed over to the other side of the room, I think to help herd them out of the door. But once I was over there, they started to do individual acrobatics. Each of them had a delineated strip on the floor and they were doing different tumbling routines and balancing. One of them took the thin slats of wood and did a handstand, balancing then walking on the slats then doing other tricks. Another had metal triangles and was also doing upside down balancing tricks and a third was doing extreme contortion movements. They were incredible. I was stuck on the other side of the room staring back at P. We made faces at each other to say, what's going on? But it was enjoyable to watch them once we realised they actually knew what they were doing.I woke up for a while then had the next dream.We were in a house, around the communal kitchen dining area. A man was telling us how to catch snakes and the techniques he used. He was demonstrating that there was a right way, but most people did it the wrong way. Suddenly a snake appeared, it was a cross between and brown and a tiger snake (both pretty poisonous). He was pleased because he could demonstrate with a live sample. The snake was super fast. Even faster than in real life. It shot off almost so you couldn't see it and reappeared on the other side of the room. It was very close to me. The man went over with his special snake stick, a bit like those tongs with a long handle used for picking up rubbish. But the snake was too quick and smart and moved off again. I was moving around the room trying to keep away from it. At one point I was standing right next to it. It was by a table leg and I couldn't get around it. I was scared it was going to strike because it had been annoyed by the man and so I stood as still as I could hoping it would move off. It did eventually but then every time I thought I'd found a safe place to stand it would appear again.Then there was a black snake with tiny little white marks on it. The marks turned out to be little diamond shapes I found out later. It too was deadly. A young man who was part of the group grabbed it, not paying any attention to how the man had been trying to teach us. The young man looked vicious and was up to no good. He looked a bit like an actor from East Enders (young ex army bloke). He wanted to be bitten by the black snake and he was. The snake unhinged it's jaws and opened them wider and wider until it sort of swallowed and bit most of the young mans arm, but across the arm, not with the arm going down into the body of the snake like you expect. After a short time the snake had put so much venom into him they had merged into one being. He came over to me and before I could get away he grabbed me. His arm was turned into the body of the snake, and now I could see the little diamonds. The arm/snake made a kind of bite on my arm. Then there was a dressing type arrangement where the wound was and the arm/snake was attached to my arm through this dressing. I was stuck to the man/snake.The first man who had been teaching us how to catch snakes came up behind him trying to help me and to prise the snake/man off me. I looked at him briefly trying not to let on that he was there. For a split second I saw his head morph into the brown/tiger snake and back. He had let himself been taken over by the brown snake in order to defeat the black snake. But unlike the young man he was in control of his snake self and would be able to take an antidote/anti venom and turn himself back. The young man/black snake was going to die but I needed to be prised free first. It was quite scary, but I knew I'd be all right in the end. Very graphic images, probably doesn't come across as well in the relating...
Dream 35: Reckless Driving I was driving with P in the car we are currently borrowing, as sporty little red number. It/me kept going too fast. It was night and we went past some road works, they had hurdle-like structures blocking the two inside lanes and we were following a line of cars in the outside lane. Later in the dream we were at the same roadworks. Again it was night, but as we moved into the outside lane there was a hurdle barrier there too. The car in front crashed into it and I swerved to avoid it, but ended up running into the middle lane and crashing through a whole row of barriers. They were red a white striped, quite thin bits of wood which were flying off in all directions as I was still going too fast.We came to the end of the road works after I been through all the barriers. And surprise, surprise a police car was behind us, pulling us over. One policeman approached my window, I was thinking of getting out, but you're not supposed to do that these days, plus it was raining, dark and cold (your average English evening!). I pushed the button to open the window and the policeman said he just wanted to ask me if I'd dropped my wallet. He showed me a black wallet and a very cheap plastic camera. He said he'd found them back on the road. I said they weren't mine. As he turned to go he said I thought you might be drunk, but your obviously ok, then he left.I was very relieved! As we drove off I said to P about the policeman thinking I was DUI. We were going over a bridge which was one of those with large iron girders up the side and across the top (there's probably an proper name for them), with a single lane. I was saying to P that the brakes seemed to be a bit funny as the car kept going too fast then I couldn't slow down in time. Just as I was remarking about this we zoomed up to a truck in front and banged into the back of it. It jolted the truck forward and it sped up. We were jolted too, but there was no damage to the car. I tried to steer it straight and apply the brakes, but it was slow to respond.
Dream 34: A Hairy Affair Sorry I haven't put anything up for a while. I've been under some stress the last couple of weeks and my dreams have been hard to grasp. I've been tending to wake up thinking of real life problems and any dream images disappear immediately.One has stayed with me though! Last week the boiler decided not to work just when I had planned to shave my legs, underarms etc. I went to bed that night and dreamt that I was to appear in a show. I was putting on my costume which was a beautiful cream silk number, full evening gown with little straps and so forth. When I looked in the mirror my underarm hair was hanging down over the sides of the dress. I lifted my arms to see these enormously long and bushy growths of hair. I was horrified because I didn't have time to do anything about it and my role was meant to be of an upper class lady hosting an important function, involving lots of open armed gestures where my underarm hair would be on full display. I was desperately trying to work out how I could do it without showing the hair when I woke.I don't really mind underarm hair actually, but this was in the realm of the werewolf as only dreams can provide!
Dream 33: Starsky, bird poo and criminals Starksy's car (the one with the white stripe) was covered with thin brown blankets and dust cloths. The white stripe was in tact but the rest of the panels were battered and rusted and in desperate need of replacement. He drove into a car park (parking lot as per USA) and I went over to meet him. He was explaining about the car as I leaned in through the passenger side window. I peaked under the bonnet covers. There was no bonnet just a very impressive engine which had a large piece sticking up in the middle towards the back. It would have obscured the driver's view but somehow it didn't once you were driving. The whole engine was immaculate, shiny bright spotless silver metal which looked powerful and ready to go. Apart from being there to have his car panels fixed we were also there on a case. We had to scatter breadcrumbs around several parking spaces to encourage birds to come and also to crap. The criminal we were trying to lure was an obsessive compulsive and not only hated mess he had a phobia about birds and somehow he was going to incriminate himself if we got the birds to do their thing. There were buildings connected to the car park, so some parking spaces were connected to certain buildings, some offices some dwellings, a bit like a motel but not. Other parts of the car park were just for visitors or general parking. We scattered some bread around specific car spaces where we knew the criminal would be parking. Then we went back to Starsky's car. He was sitting in the passenger side this time and I lent in the window and we kissed (very nice it was too!). I wasn't his cop partner I was his girlfriend, but I'd been brought in to help him with the case so we could look like a couple in the car park when our target showed up.He did show up. He was also with a woman. They got out of their car, which was parked in a different spot to the ones where the bait was. We started to follow them. We got closer to where the birds had been eating the bread and had actually started to drop their droppings. The man sensed something was amiss and he veered off to the side down a grassy slope towards some buildings. Starsky stayed following the woman and I peeled off to follow the man. He took a step as if he was about to make a break for it and run off, but he stepped into a small hole in the grass and fell. I jumped on him and held his ankles together very tight so he couldn't move. I yelled 'Starsky, Starsky'. He came running over.Then other police materialised. The problem was that although the guy had sensed the trouble and was about to run away we hadn't actually caught him doing anything except tripping on a grassy slope. But we knew he was a bad criminal God-dammit! I was still holding tightly to his ankles while we discussed what to do.
Dream 32: Lobsters, Crabs and a Horse P and I were on a beach. I was on a horse and there was a kitchen set into the rocks at the end of the bay. P was trying to catch lobsters at the shore but was getting into all sorts of trouble and was afraid of being snapped by their pincers. There were quite a lot of them with some very large crabs too and they were very lively.I got off my horse and went to the beach kitchen. There wasn't a stove as such, just the rocks to cook on, but they were hot enough. There were two enormous steel pots and I started to brew up a vegetable stock on one. The other was to have boiling water for the lobsters and crabs. P wanted me to help him catch them but I wasn't going to eat them and I didn't want to be party to killing them either. He was holding my horse and there was a huge crab close on the left on a ledge of rocks. P was trying to reach it. He was going to take the horse over towards it, but I was worried the horse's nose would be pinched by the crab and he'd run off. P held the horse's reins at arms length and tried to grab the crab. He had no idea how to get hold of it and it was snapping away at everything. It had the usual claws but also some extra ones and some very long legs and antennae like things as well. It's body was huge. P was leaping around trying not to get caught and trying to keep the horse away as well.I then had to scoop some of my vegetable stock into his pan because he wanted some extra flavour although I didn't think he should boil them in my stock and I wasn't sure what else I was going to eat. The stock was pretty thin with not many vegetables in it and I thought the whole meal was going to be a disaster.