Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dream 54: A Twisted little Journey ends in Gore
I was back working with my old boss ECT. We were in a meeting with another colleague about the finances. I had done a lot of background work and had already told ECT some of my prognosis. However she was listening more to the colleague who she seemed the think was more of an expert than I. When the other person said something about how we were going to hit problems in the future I said to ECT, that's what I told you before. She glanced at me with her don't interrupt look. I felt slightly cheated. I thought she doesn't trust me anymore. She used to rely on me almost completely but because I've been away she thinks I don't know what's going on. I realised it would take me longer to regain her trust.
I was leaving work then with a short man who was an old work friend (only in the dream, he wasn't someone from my real life). He had a phobia to do with walking home a certain route at a certain time. I followed behind him to make sure he was ok. We got to a distant car park and a set of stairs which marked the end of his phobia. He turned and smiled and I walked up and put my arm around his shoulders congratulating him on getting through. He was grateful I'd been there just in case. I was going to give him a lift the rest of the way in my car which I thought I'd parked nearby. Then I remembered I'd parked it in the underground section at work. The short work friend said he knew a quick way back. We ended up going through some old buildings but we climbed up and down walls, banisters and corridors from one level to another in a labyrinth style journey. I thought it's a good job I have climbing experience. The man commented on what a good friend I was (funny I didn't know his name!). We arrived at a large hall where they were having an after show supper. It was one of the science Faculties which had put on a classic play (probably Shakespeare). Me and the friend had seen some of it and were joking between ourselves about how awful it was. One of the senior academics came up to me and was expressing his disappointment. He told me the students in the cast were upset and ashamed to be part of such a bad production, so I said well they could act better and then it wouldn't be so bad. They had been directed by a science bod who knew nothing about it and they had no affinity with acting themselves it was doomed from the start. The academic then mentioned something about climbing. I made some comment and he asked me what qualified me to comment on both acting and climbing - not directly it was implied in his tone and question. Just at that point I'd taken a bite out of a vol-au-vent. I indicated I couldn't talk just then. I wanted to reply but the vol-au-vent became incredibly chewy and sticky and I could get a word out. The academic kept spouting on and I wanted to explain how I did actually know about these matters and wasn't just being bitchy.
I left the party and was on my way down the street when I caught a glimpse of an enemy on a broomstick. I flitted quickly and quietly down a side street and saw a few of my gang scattered around. We were all aware of our enemy, but she was flying erratically and in full view, not the way it was done at all. We were keeping and eye on her while hiding in and out of gardens, hedges etc. About three of my gang were in an alleyway (it was in the suburbs, all homes) and a bus came by. They hid beside the bus and the enemy sort of crashed into and merged with a couple of them. They manage to extract themselves and get rid of the enemy's broom and send her on her way as I watched from across the road. We met up and one of the gang was disparaging about the enemy saying she hadn't a clue how to fly and use her broomstick. We were flying ourselves by this time. Another gang member said yeah you have to start by going down. I was puzzled, how can you go down if you're on the ground. But she pointed to a roof top and an hill and said you have to fling yourself downwards otherwise you have no control.
I then arrived at my brother T's party in a posh hotel. I was late and I didn't want to drink too much so I sipped on a glass of something and mingled. My other brother then arranged to take people home in taxis. T came over with a load of different drinks to hand out to those left. He gave me a soft drink and asked if I'd drive which I said was ok. But then a taxi came back. T was annoyed that Brother had sent one back. He wanted to carry on the party and have more drinks. He went outside to send it away. I was standing near mother who was sitting on a marble bench near the side of the road. There was a commotion in the street. A small crowd were around an old man with glasses and a red jumper. He as falling. He was not only drunk but also probably not well either. He was passing out and as he fell they tried to grab him but they were old too. T shouted 'He's a DONOR, keep him UPRIGHT'. But it was too late. As the man rolled onto the ground on his back he suddenly had no glasses, a blue jumper and was very much awake. He viciously grabbed another man's hair/head and hurled him through the air across the street with tremendous strength. The man's scalp ripped off and was left in the other man's hand. I looked across the road and there was this pile of blood and gore where the thrown man had landed and disintegrated. There was also some white-ish fur around him where an animal had been run over earlier and it was all mixed in. It was very shocking that he could be killed just like that. I had a horrible feeling in my guts. When T had shouted about the donor I had a brief glimpse of a half memory about working in a home with older people and some of them had this donor quality, but it was all very hazy and happened in a fraction of a second. I looked away from the gore and back at mother. She had also just looked and was in the process of fainting. There were a few onlookers next to her and some broken glass on the pavement. She was slumping forwards and sideways in slow motion, but I couldn't get to her in time. I called 'Mother, Mother' as I went towards her then woke up.

Dream 53: Grapes, currency, washing lines and audiences
Several snippets from the other night... I was working with some people packing grapes, red seedless ones in small plastic carry bags as used in supermarkets. However grapes were a type of currency and were extremely precious so it was like working at the mint. Each grape had to be accounted for and had to be packed to go out, no sneaking any for yourselves. A man had worked out how to cheat the system, I was in on the scheme. We went to a bank teller and when a bag of grapes was passed through the little trough under the window he'd throw in a ping pong ball thing with a string attached and pull it back through at the same time as the grapes. There was something in the ball which made the grape transaction not register, so as far as the system was concerned you had not received any grapes and none had gone out. The timing was crucial. He had a few misses before it worked but then it started working a treat. We didn't do it too often but the potential to become very rich was there.
Then I was in a house, the phone was ringing and I found it eventually in a drawer and I could hear my mother talking through it while it was still ringing. Next I went to hang some washing on the line as I walked out there were a few other people trying to hang their washing and suddenly my mother appeared wearing a bright yellow towelling beach dress. She hovered above us and walked across the washing lines humming and singing to herself, quite happy and unaware that she was hampering our hanging out of the clothes.
Next I was in a show. We'd done a few nights and I was vaguely aware of some success but had been concentrating so much on my performances I hadn't taken that much notice of the audience. Backstage, a fellow cast member told me there were 46 in that night, but he said that was pretty low and that on previous nights there been many more. I thought 46 was a reasonable crowd since it was a small room and was surprised and pleased that the numbers had been and probably would be even better.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Dream 52: Performing, Flowers and a Letter from India
I had several dreams last night, but these are the three I remember. I had just done a show somewhere and dropped into a theatre nearby to meet a friend. I went back stage and across a wooden and metal walkway which seemed familiar. My friend greeted me effusively saying I was just what they needed as one of the cast hadn't showed up. They told me hurriedly what to wear and what to do for the first scene. Luckily the characters I was standing in for had few lines. We did one scene in a bit of a blur then came back across the walkway and put down our props. We all got changed for the next scene while the main actors carried on on stage. My friend was one of the main actors so the others told me what to do. We did this several times and I felt I was just about getting away with it since I wasn't a main character and I could get the gist of what the scene was about and play my part convincingly with a bit of help from the others. It seemed to be a mixture of styles some comedy and drama. We had mock Tudor, medieval and Victorian style costumes. At one point we had the cliched spear carrying role!
The play finished and was a great success. We went for a drink afterwards but were told to go back to the theatre. The producer had been in and had left flowers for everyone. He was a (real life) friend of ours, CW, and he was sitting at a table congratulating the cast. My friend (dream friend only) did not receive the largest bunch of flowers as she should because she was the main star. The female co-star received the largest and brightest bunch so there was some tension. There was a small bunch for me too. One was in the style of the other bunches and were exotic orchids but the card had the other actor's name crossed out and mine put in. But the stage manager had decided this wasn't good enough so a big bunch of yellow daisy-type flowers were produced instead and the other bunch was left to the side. CW apologised as he hadn't known I was in the cast - well neither had I 'til just beforehand! We sat around for a while then went off somewhere else carrying our flowers. I told my friend that I had had dreams where I was suddenly in a play where I didn't know my lines or character, but this time it had really happened and had been a total success.* She then told me we were going to live together. I was about to move out of my place and so was she. She said she had the perfect place and that we'd be great together. I had reservations but she kept going on about how quiet she was and that it would be much better than whomever I was living with now.
Then P and I were visiting New Zealand. I took him to several places I knew in the South Island and pointed out various things. We were getting closer and closer to Queenstown and I kept saying this is near where JR lives. There were mountains in the distance and I said you can see those from JR's place. We went along a road and saw the houses were he lived and I pointed them out. I realised I was going on and on about JR but I knew P would understand that I was just excited about being back where I went climbing etc and not anything else. Then P was piloting a helicopter. We were flying right over the hill where JR's house was and we got closer and closer. I told him which house it was and he flew right up over the back yard and even under the trees, I was going to warn him to be careful but he already was. There were several people in the back yard having drinks and a BBQ. They looked up at us as we flew very close to them but JR wasn't there. I told P that it was his house but I remembered he was renting it out now and that he'd moved to Christchurch.
In the next dream I received a battered letter from India. I had sent off a short story to the BBC there which was also a script for a play. There was loads of paperwork. My script was included. It seemed very old now as I'd sent it years ago, the type-face was a bit faded and looked like it was from a printer from the early eighties. I was trying to find out if they had rejected it or wanted to use it. I had an excited/nervous feeling inside that they had liked it. As I went through the papers there was were very vivid brightly coloured scenes of Indian rural life. There were a couple of tea towels with these scenes on them and a title below. They seemed to be gifts. In between some pages of the script were some vivid drawings as if these could be used for the storybook or perhaps just be inserted as scene breaks. I kept going through the paperwork and trying read some notes. Finally there was a strip of paper with red biro writing on it and a very old style typed letter. It was hard to read but the first line read that I was very talented and that the story was very imaginative. Then there were lines in about ten different languages. It would have the name of the language in English then the sentence in that language. For example there was Finnish, German, French etc. I wondered why they had done this since I wrote the script in English. It was as if they didn't want me to not understand what they were saying. I found the English line but it was faded. The room I was in was dark so I went into the room next door where P was and opened the curtains to let some light in. I had the strong feeling that they wanted to commission my story but I needed to find the actual line that said so. I told P I think the BBC in India want to make my story then I tried to read the rest of the letter, but I woke up before I could!
* this talking about or referencing dreams within a dream has been happening a lot recently, will have to investigate.....

Monday, July 09, 2007

Dream 51: Bits and Pieces
I've been travelling and working a lot so haven't had much time to keep my dreams up to date. Here are some snippets from the last week or so.
I was in a city shopping area with several different shopping centres. I was on a break from work but I don't know what sort of work, but it felt like I had limited time. I was trying to buy some lunch but all the food places didn't have the type of food I eat or wanted to eat. Later this woman started following me. She was a personal style advisor like Trinny and Susanna. She was becoming rather irritating asking me a load of questions. I was trying to be polite but not give anything away and I was sending plenty of signals to say I was in a hurry and really NOT interested. She kept with though. In the end I just told her I wasn't interested, I had my clothes for my job (like a costume) and then at home I wore comfortable stuff like loose trousers and baggy t-shirts. She hung around for a while then I lost her.
Next I was at a concert. Phil Collins was the musical director/conductor for two black vocal acappella artists. I was right at the front of the stage, with a great view. Phil had sprouted loads of light brown/blondish shoulder length hair and looked rather dashing. The two men had fantastic voices and we singing amazing songs. I suddenly got an extreme close up view of Phil Collins conducting them. Really he had his back to the audience, and although I was still in the audience I got a special close up view like you would on TV, except this was still live. As he conducted he was mouthing the words as MD's tend to do. I was fascinated. I also had a big crush on him (in the dream, this is not replicated in real life, although I don't mind him). I'd get a close up of the singers then flash back to Phil while I watched. On one of the close ups of Phil he started to mouth the wrong words. He was doing it on purpose as an in joke. The singers carried on singing the right words as Phil tried to put them off. He winked at me as he did it. I felt incredibly special to be in on the joke. I didn't even realise that he'd noticed me. Later we were walking together in the city. He was treating me like an old friend or an equal because he knew I was also a performer. We chatted about various things and he asked me where the best places were to go. I was so chuffed to be this close to my dream idol.
Had another dream where I was learning to drive a bus and one where I was running a new theatre venue and had to explain all the safety regulations but I kept getting interrupted..... mmmm wonder what influenced that one!!