Dream 12: Home Freezing and Strangling I was at my childhood home in Harrogate, most aspects of the house were quite accurate considering it was a dream version of the house. There was a huge space project being conducted near where we lived. At one point I think I went into the building where some of the program was being carried out. It was an enormous warehouse/hanger type affair with James Bond style gizmo's tootling about the place and lifts up to various levels which housed numerous secret activities.Then I was back at home and two men were in the lounge room. They were secret police attached to the space program and they were keeping an eye on us. I went into the hall and as I turned around I felt this blast of cold air. P was coming downstairs and was almost at the bottom, his Mum (she didn't look anything like his real Mum) was just going from the dining room into the lounge room. As I looked around we were all frozen completely stiff then I lost consciousness. We were frozen for several years. Occasionally we were aware, I could see P and his mum stuck in their positions. My vision was as if I was inside a thin block of ice. Another time I was aware of some minute movement. P's mum seemed to be moving very slightly, a few inches maybe per month or even per year. Eventually she disappeared.Finally we were unfrozen. It was decades later. We had all aged, but at only a fraction of the rate we would have done normally. Unfortunately P's mum had died. Which is why she had disappeared. But someone was explaining that she'd fought against the freeze. She knew she was going to die and she somehow managed to move herself towards the dog in the lounge room. When she died her spirit went into the dog. I didn't know where the dog had gone, but I tried to comfort P by telling him what happened.I went out to find some food. There was a market outside with loads of food stalls. Everyone was milling about and feeling hungry, we'd all been frozen for years. I met my brother (not the same as my real one), he had lost a lot of his hair, but his face had not aged at all. He was loading up the boot of the car with food. I went to get some chicken for P. There was a fried chicken stall, but next thing I knew I was working there and trying to serve customers. We were running out of stock and I had to explain that we were expecting a delivery, but that we were dependant on the people controlling the space project (and apparently our lives). I was feeling very hungry myself but didn't want to fast food, especially not chicken (I'm a veggie).Then I was on a river in a large Canadian canoe following another canoe. There was a secret policewoman in the canoe in front. She was very suspicious of me and kept looking back at what I was doing. I was trying to escape. Several of us wanted to break into the space program building and sabotage the project, and perhaps free ourselves from their grip. The policewoman jumped out of the canoe and swam towards me. She was going to get into my canoe so she could stop me doing whatever I was planning. As she came along side I grabbed her by the throat. She had quite a thin throat and it became pliable, like plasticine. It was effortless to squeeze it and I also held her underwater. Again this was very easy to do, but she took ages to actually die. She didn't struggle but she looked vaguely surprised. Eventually she expired and I paddled over to team up with the other canoe and form a rebel group.
Dream 11: Mixing with the Famous I was in a very crowded street with P. We were going to see a film or something. There was a big buzz on the street about a man who was very famous for doing shows. He had opened a new show and everyone was trying to get in or get tickets and they were all talking about it. It was supposed to be his best ever. He was in his 70's by now and there were people criticising as well as praising him. We went past the theatre where the show was actually playing to a more than full house, with crowds milling around outside. People were commenting that he was actually in the theatre now performing to the lucky opening night crowd, someone scoffed saying 'yeah if they actually get to see him'. It was rumoured that he was only making a brief appearance and leaving the rest to trained performers/actors. But it was still a show not to be missed.Next thing I knew the famous man (seems to be nameless), crossed the road and linked his arm through mine. He was tall and slim with grey hair and very erudite. He had immense charm and charisma. He started to chat to me. We strolled through the crowds, everyone staring at us but not daring to come close. They were in awe of him. I tried to pretend that it was quite normal for me to be walking with him and I was trying not to be all starry-eyed and tongue tied. I listened to him talking and tried to say something intelligent when necessary. I decided not to tell him I was a performer myself but just let him lead the experience whilst I tried to take in as many details as possible to remember later.We ended up round the side of the theatre. The performance was still going on. He let go of me and went to do something. I was then with his long-term partner (not wife). She took me to see some of the artifacts to do with the show. It was like a souvenir shop, but it was filled with antiques, high quality unique pieces. She was explaining to me what they meant and how much they were worth. She encouraged me to ask questions, unlike him who had just talked at me more or less. I asked her a few questions, she revealed to me how much influence she had on his creativity and really she was a large part of his success, but she didn't mind being in the background in terms of the public. However, friends, producers, directors, performers and so on knew how much input she had. She was saying there was a song in the show which was not going quite right. SW popped up (he was in the shop) and hinted that he was a singer and could have a go. She didn't scoff at him, but almost did, inferring that the performers they engaged had had years of specialised training and the techniques and concepts in the show were highly revolutionary, not seen before. She was about to go and I asked if I could give her our card. P and I handed her our BD&K business card and she said she'd look us up. She actually seemed genuine, she seemed to like us. She drew me aside and told me to go to the scent gift shop. Apparently scents played a large part in the show. They were used to evoke scenes, memories and emotions.I went into the scent shop. It too was busy with people and filled with hundreds of tiny bottles. People were sampling them. I tried a few. P came in and was horrified that I might buy some scents. He didn't like artificial smells, perfumes and so on, he preferred natural smells. So did I but I was trying to explain these were not perfumes per se, they were smells as part of the show and designed to evoke certain scenes etc. I woke up around this point.
Dream 10: An Octopus and An Alien Had this dream a couple of days ago. Very long dream. Started off in a house which was part of a commune or education centre. I was living there and trying to improve my house. There was a small octopus which had attached itself to the outside of one wall. It was getting bigger everyday, it wasn't bothering me that much, except that I wanted to do some renovations on the wall which was in a bad state or repair - boards, missing, broken or worn away and the wall cavity crumbling. One day I noticed the octopus had grown considerably. I went to look on the inside of the wall and it had got several of its tentacles through the wall and folded into the cavity. It would soon be able to get it's whole body through and I was scared it would take over my house or attack me. I went to find some help.I'm not sure what happened after that, but the next bit I remember was that I was a young girl but an alien on earth. Some people from my species had special powers and I was under close surveillance to see if I would develop any of these powers. I knew inherently that I did. In fact I could be very dangerous to the earth and humans. I was the equivalent of a princess in my species but this had to be kept quiet. I was sent away for many years, to be educated while under the strict control of humans. When older I would be used for mundane work and used by humans for whatever suited them. I played at being a frivolous silly girl, emulating human behaviour, but also pretending I was one of my species who was underdeveloped and would not pose a threat, all the time harbouring the knowledge that I would one day break the hold the humans had on us and reclaim our heritage.When I was a teenager I was given paper to be filled in. At 18 I would be allowed a visit to my place of birth. All of us were allowed a visit if it was thought we were harmless. I was 16 and it would be two years before I could visit. The papers had the dates clearly marked for my visit. I also had to choose a meal. The menu was in Chinese writing. I wondered how I could possible choose a meal two years ahead and in a language I didn't understand. Also I had special dietary requirements and I didn't know how to ensure I'd get what I needed. In the end I chose something from the pictures of the menu and thought I would sort it out later, besides food would not be the most important thing on my mind at that time.Another couple of years went by with me trying to keep my true identity hidden. I had no-one to confide in, but I had a feeling that a spirit of camaraderie was flowing through to me somehow from my people, willing me on. Eventually it was time for my visit. But something stopped me from going. The humans were suspicious of me and made me do all these tests. I had to work very hard so as not to be found out, to stop them from seeing deep into my conscious and sub-conscious being and working out who I really was.Finally I was at the check-in for my trip. The date was nearly two years past my original permit, but they either didn't notice or decided it was all right after being vetted. I continued to play at being silly. I pretended not to know how the system worked and was all giddy and excited about the trip. I let people guide me and tell me what to do and where to do. They were very patronising and derogatory treating me with disdain, because I was a silly alien girl. They showed me the menu again to check my meal. The date had been changed on the menu. It was time to get onto the transport, a cross between a space ship and a plane. I was thinking to myself that I would soon be home. Once there I could engage my powers. It was something to do with being able to find and control all sources of energy, I remember thinking specifically of bauxite, but I think it involved all forms of energy the earth used, oil, ore, solar, wind etc. Once back home I could control all these energies and wreak havoc on earth. I would also take my place as leader amongst my own species. I was trying to decide whether I wanted to destroy earth and the humans, or whether I would just control them and keep them restricted as they had been doing to my people.Unfortunately I woke up before I got back! Would have been fascinated to find out what happened next.......
Dream 9: Looking After Billy Connolly Been having muddled incoherent run of dreams recently. One the other night involved me being a horse, but also being me as a human looking after me as a horse. I was a mixture of bay and chestnut, sort of a mousy colour not normally seen on horses and a bit lighter than the hair on my head. There were various problems finding me a stable, food and so forth.Last night/this morning had a dream that I was with Billy Connolly, but he was blind. I was trying to look after him, but he insisted on gambling with a group of blokes who were ripping him off. I kept trying to warn him, but I didn't want the guys to know that I knew as we could be in big trouble. Billy kept handing me money and telling me to bet on ridiculous things which the men were making up or were changing the outcome to suit them.Later I was in a show, we were just finishing and P went up to the compere who was foreign (not sure where from), he didn't speak very good English, other than the script of the show. P was trying to get him to do a special announcement because it was the anniversary of his Mum's death and he want a special memorial message to go out. Then he handed me a bottle of champagne. I didn't think it was appropriate to let off the bottle and besides the compere hadn't finished. But the bottle was all fizzed up and it was about to blow. I turned around and everyone ducked, saying "don't point it at the lights!" I was saying, "I know, I know I'm trying to get it somewhere safe." There was an odd slow motion bit where the cork was coming out and I was moving with the bottle at the same speed as the cork so it would stay in the bottle. I managed it for a bit and then I was chasing the stream of champagne from the cork and trying to get that back in the bottle as well. Anyway I had been able to stop the 'pop' with this technique, so no one in the audience knew what was happening.
Dream 8: Gigging with Monty Python I was with the Monty Python team working on a script I'd written. There were various suggestions, disagreements and laughter while we worked. I went with Michael Palin to the hairdressers. We didn't like what they suggested and in the end he left the front of his hair the same and just cut the back part of his hair so it came half way down the back of his head with the rest close shaved. We had some rehearsals and there was a sketch which involved one of my bras (a real life bra - odd little detail). I can't remember the whole sketch now, but everyone thought it would go down very well.Then we were performing the show to a live audience. I was looking on from the side waiting to go on, with a view of the stage set, the flats, uprights and sand bags holding it all together. Eric Idle was on stage doing something and was going down very well. I went on to do the bra sketch, but it didn't go according to the rehearsals as the Pythons were trying to ad lib to make each other laugh. I came out with a few new lines myself. It was all going well, but then the bra was left on stage when it shouldn't have been. The bra was now larger than in real life. I ad libbed something so I could retrieve the bra, and Eric Idle anticipated what I was going to do and joined in to make the joke even better, saying I know, I know, I know. I was telling someone how great it was to work with such professionals who were comic geniuses... they were not impressed saying that it was arrogant just to go around saying I know I know, but they seemed to have missed the point.Suddenly I'm back on stage having picked up the bra, I go to leave. But I exit through the wrong door and instead of ending up backstage, I end up in a cupboard with some props and bits of set. I turned round to see Michael Palin in there. He was pulling a silly face - wide eyed surprised but dumb. Then he showed me the bits of his shaved head where he had spots and blemishes. We were both stuck in the cupboard until our next sketch or the end of the show.The cupboard door opened and the actor who played Fraser in Dad's Army was there. He was a guest in one of the sketches and had to get a board out of the cupboard. He was so surprised to see us and he was very frail that he almost fell and we were worried he'd have some sort of attack or fit. Eric Idle rushed over to cover the gaff, helping Fraser to get the board and get back to the sketch. Then I woke up.
Dream 7: Toothless One this morning about losing my teeth. I've had this dream once or twice before, different scenarios, but similar events. One tooth breaks, then another comes out root and all. I've got them in my hand and I start wondering around trying not to panic while I find a dentist, still hoping the problem can be fixed. Then all my other teeth break up or come loose. I've got a mouth full of broken teeth and when I open my mouth all the teeth and bits overspill into my hand. The images are very graphic, with some of the teeth in terrible decay, chipped and brown with rotten roots. Think I'll just go and floss....
Dream 6: Golf resort, it's all who you know I was sent to a golf resort as part of a job/my work (not clear what sort work I was doing). We were each given a room to share, I was with an obese woman in her thirties with dark hair. We were also assigned to a golf pro. I was following mine around the course, she was rather haughty as if such an assignment were beneath her. At one of the greens there was a small group of men watching another of the pros. One of them was SL a well known comedian whom I happen to know. My pro went all gooey say 'That's SL, that's SL'. I told her I knew him, at first she didn't believe me but then she realised I was telling the truth and her attitude towards me improved greatly. I was not impressed.Later back at the hotel part of the resort I had some difficulties getting back to my room. Then I found that my room-mate was not only pregnant but about to give birth. I helped her through it and then went to the local hospital. When I asked for someone to attend her they said she wasn't on record as being pregnant therefore she can't have given birth. I argued with them thinking there was some mistake because she was overweight, although I couldn't image she did not know she was pregnant herself.Next thing I'm in a room with some men explaining to me that it had all been faked. It was like a virtual reality set up and they showed me clues. One was when were at a dining table and one of the men now explaining had walked around the table, but he'd suddenly jumped from one spot to another, like a jump cut in a film, or a glitch in the program. I remembered the incident as they showed it to me. Also there were little blobs a few inches high under the table which were controllers of the program and they ran around very agitated when the glitch happened. They showed me a few other instances which I had thought odd at the time.That's all I can remember now although there were other bits to the dream.
Dream 5: He doesn't love me anymore! Rather disturbing dream this morning, the finer details are gone, but the gist of it was that P and I had a dispute. I think I was fed up of doing the bulk of domestic chores and so forth and wanted to be on my own again. I told P I was going to leave. I think I did go, but I'm not sure exactly what happened in the next part. Later I was visiting P, assuming he would still feel the same about me. But he was extremely cold. He didn't care about me at all and though I'd essentially left him I felt abandoned by him. I tried to get his attention and to regain what we had, but he refused. He was a different person. I was left feeling bereft, I'd assumed that he would always love me no matter what. I'd taken it for granted that I could be independent but still basically have his support. I was also upset because he'd changed so much and maybe my callousness was responsible...Of course I am articulating these feelings rationally now I'm awake but the emotions were all swirling around the events in the dream and that's what I woke up with.I told P about the dream and of course he comforted me and said it would never happen - that he wouldn't stop loving me... ah, don't you just love a happy ending?!
Dream 4: Travelling without a ticket? Odd Mechanics...Was rudely awoken around 7.20 this morning (noises from spouse, upstairs clomping on wooden floor and banging/drilling from renovations in the block over next couple of hours!). Annoying, as it interrupted what was quite a good dream and I lost most of it immediately.
What I can remember was that after various forms of travel (an ongoing dream theme for me) I was going into an underground station. I was following a couple of young blokes and they started to run yelling that we would miss the train. For some reason it was important we catch this particular train and I ran after them. They ran through the barriers without a ticket, I think I already had a ticket or a card to get one, but as I ran after them I was implicated as avoiding the fare as well. Later I was on a platform, having been re-directed to several different ones . A man was telling me that avoiding the fare was very serious and that it had something to do with a ghost spirit of a ghost. I didn't realise that ghosts could have ghosts and he was explaining how it happened and what it meant. I remember thinking it was important and fascinating but that was when I was woken up and it all disappeared.
Had a couple of interim dreams between the noises as above, one involved me staying with the family. My brother-in-law S was fixing up a house and I was trying to find the loo and having to scramble over wood, tiles, flooring etc. My Mother was also borrowing my car although I'd sold it and was having a mechanic 'fix' it even though it was perfectly all right. He was cutting large chunks out of it saying there was rust. The car had bits missing all over it. Both Mother and the mechanic were lecturing me that this was the proper way to care for a car...